I’m also an editor, word-nerd, and unapologetic coffee addict. My poetry has been published in Uncanny, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Asimov’s, Small Wonders, The Deadlands, Fireside, Strange Horizons, Cicada, Nightmare, Mermaids Monthly, The Best of Uncanny Magazine (Subterranean Press), and several of the Rhysling Anthology compilations. I’m a multi-time Rhysling Award nominee. Recently, I had a short story published in Worlds of Possibilities. When I’m not writing, I’m usually cooking, baking, hugging an animal, or pretending to be a mermaid. I have a rescue cat named Thor, who is part Maine Coon and part Gremlin.
Ali Trotta
From the High Priestess to the Hanged Man
A Lovesong From Frankenstein's Monster
The Year We Got Rid of Our Ghosts
The Magician Speaks to the Fool
Athena Holds Up a Mirror to Strength
After The Tower Falls, Death Gives Advice
Temperance and The Devil, Reversed
Knight of Wands, Six of Swords
Five of Cups Considers Forgiveness
The High Priestess Falls in Love With Death (forthcoming)
Where You Can Find Me
Bluesky: alwayscoffee
Instagram: alwayscoffee